April: Committee Meeting
Attendance: Ohavia Phillips, Seiko Havis, Jahlisa Misenheimer, Eva Johnson, QuWanya Thompson, Felicia Misenheimer
Discussion Points:
* Creating a survey to begin technology education
* Technology education sessions to be help after chapter meeting ( tentative, 1hr)
* Chapter Meeting run of show pain points with resolution ideas
* Convert presenting documents into canva/prezi presentation
* Discontinue presenting and require sorors to utilize their personal mobile
devises ( phone ipad, laptop ) during meeting
*Google Meets/zoom to display documents during the meeting
*Vet password manager - Keeper
*Posting to social media approval process
*Can technology repost sorors outside of LUO that are being highlighted on a national level without protocol approval
*Scheduling technology office hr to assist committee chairs with the website
*Tech presence on each committee. Consider joining as tech POC
· Tech POC on each committee
List of committees: (*need Tech POC)
Programs - Soror Qu, Soror Eva, Soror Tamesha
Finance – Soror Eva
Fundraising - Soror Felicia
Sisterly Relations - Soror Felicia, Soror Qu
Constitution/Bylaws *
Membership - Soror Felicia, Soror Qu
Mentoring - Soror Qu
Strategic Planning - Soror Qu
Standards- Soror Eva
History/Archives - Soror Jahlisa, Soror Jasmine
Nominating - Soror Robin, Soror Felicia
Spiritual Care*
** Plan May working session and tech outing.
*top golf , Puttery
Website Updates:
Auto generated response.